Why our volunteers choose to collaborate with HandUp Congo
Maureen Burdynski, photographer
Why I volunteer
"I chose the Congo after learning that the country is one of the world’s poorest and small projects can make a huge difference to people’s lives."
“I have enjoyed volunteering in many remote areas, but my trip to the Congo was special.
My role was to help make a photographic record of the medical training and the trip. What made it special was travelling with Lucy with her close connections and knowledge of the country. Armed only with basic French, I was able to connect and laugh with the people. The trip to the Congo was an amazing experience and my highlight for 2015."
Robyn Hutchinson
Community development facilitator
Why I volunteer
“I am committed to working with the DRC leaders via HandUp Congo to work towards sustainable, replicable community self-help processes.”
"Being part of the HandUp Congo team in 2014 was a special new learning experience. At the request of Lotumbe village leaders, I co-facilitated discussions, with amazing local Congolese facilitators, in developing sustainable realistic community development strategies.
The participative processes included honouring the work to date over 100 years and building a vision of the next 100! This was symbolised in the creation of a community song and dance, “Stand Up Lotumbe!”, which continues to be lived out of today, through the efforts of the revitalised Community Management Team, endorsed by the whole community at the church service at the time. "
Roma Mehta, artist and community activist
HandUp Congo’s Creative Director
Why I volunteer
"I’ve always believed that together, we’re better."
"From Taipei and Kolkata, I support HandUp Congo’s efforts by designing event flyers and spreading the word to women friends.
The more people we can involve in putting the DRC on the world’s radar, the better."
Terri Shine, photographer, videographer and social activist
Why I volunteer
“You can't underestimate the power of images and video.”
“Using my love for photography and computer editing skills to create content to help raise awareness about the Democratic Republic of Congo is rewarding. What better way to help make this world more connected?"
Fergus Ewington, event and IT volunteer
Why I volunteer with HandUp Congo
I believe HandUp Congo’s collaboration strategy is development best practice: a hand up is truly better than a handout!
~ Fergus Ewington
“My experience working in a small orphanage/disability centre in Central Vietnam taught me many things. In one instance, a foreign NGO visited and recommended to the Sisters that run the Centre that they should implement a project based on their ‘expert opinion’. They told us to reallocate a section of the farmland to build a fish farm.
The mistake this NGO made was not consulting the Sisters themselves about this idea. If they had, they would have realised a generous donor already supports the Centre with a surplus of fresh fish weekly, and that the children needed a more diverse diet as they ate fish for 1-2 meals a day.
The NGO wasted both their time and money, and the time of the Sisters by deciding a project for them, instead of asking the locals what they needed.
When I stumbled upon HandUp Congo’s website as part of the 2021 Raising Peace Festival and read Lucy’s statement that “we work on projects identified by Congolese communities”, I immediately knew their values aligned with my own and my experience in Vietnam. I wanted to volunteer for an NGO that also believes in the criticality of listening to local people and supporting their solutions to resolve their problems.
I believe HandUp Congo’s collaboration strategy is development best practice: a hand up is truly better than a handout!
~ Fergus Ewington
Libby Gooneratne, events volunteer
Why I volunteer
“I believe in making positive contributions to communities near and far. By working hand in hand with Congolese advisors, I can see this ensures any contribution made is addressing real needs and progressing positive outcomes for Congolese people in the Congo and abroad.”
~ Libby Gooneratne
(Libby (centre) at a film fundraiser with fellow volunteers Kiran Hutchinson (left) and Dr Vera Sistenich.)
“My journey with HandUp Congo started in 2021 after buying a pot of honey that noted all proceeds towards “Building a Healthy Congo”. This sparked a curiosity to learn more about HandUp Congo, Congo and its people, and how I could help.
Volunteering with HandUp Congo is beyond rewarding. I truly feel a part of the HandUp Congo family, and by working hand in hand with Congolese advisors, I can see this ensures any contribution made is addressing real needs and progressing positive outcomes for Congolese people in the Congo and abroad.”
~ Libby Gooneratne
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